I'm making a comeback.

I've been reading the words I've written before and adding a zillion photos to my portfolio. It's odd how critical you can truly be of your own work (or lack there of). Somehow, at some point, I will admit that I hung up my freelancing freedom for the corporate comfort of a regular schedule, a consistent paycheck and a clean uniform. But if I'm being honest, I'm ready to find my next adventure. I'm bored of being comfortable. If you're one of my many colleagues or employees reading this, have no fear. I am not announcing my resignation anytime soon. I love my job. I love my team and the functions of the hotel.


I've just come to realize that I need to take a step back from reality and get back to my hobby-loving self. It's time to find some consultation clients. It's time to work on that cake that's been in my head for months. It's time to book that flight to Paris for a few days and eat myself into a butter-induced coma. I'm actively looking for new things to intrigue and excite me. I even got my camera back! I'm yet to actually put a memory card in it, but I have it and I'm ready to take it out and look at the world the way I used to.